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Dog Friendly Cities

People from all over the state come to the ARL to adopt dogs of all breeds. Along the way, we have collected a list of cities and any ordinances they may have that might impact or restrict dog ownership. 

If your city is not listed, please check with city hall before adopting a dog or moving there with your dog. If you have feedback related to this list, contact For a full list of city and county ordinances, click here.

You Can Live Here With Your Dogs

These cities do not discriminate against dogs and their owners based on a dog's appearance/breed.

Ackley: City hall, (641) 847-3332
Adel: City hall, (515) 993-4525
Akron: City hall, (712) 568-2041 
Albion: City hall, (641) 488-2244 
Alden: City hall, (515) 859-3344 
Algona: City hall, (515) 295-2411 
Alta Vista: City hall, (641) 364-2175 
Ames: Animal control, (515) 239-5530
Anamosa: City hall, (319) 462-6055
Ankeny: Police, (515) 965-6440 
Aplington: City hall, (319) 347-2425 
Atlantic: Police, (712) 243-3512 
Aurora: City hall, (319) 634-3363 
Baxter: City hall, (641) 227-3120 
Belmond: City hall, (641) 444-3386
Bettendorf: City hall, (563) 344-4000 
Bondurant: City hall, (515) 967-2418 
Boone: City hall, (515) 432-6112 
Carlisle: Police, (515) 989-4121 
Carroll: City hall, (712) 792-1000 
Carter Lake: City hall, (712) 347-6320 
Cedar Falls: City hall, (319) 273-8600
Cedar Rapids: Animal control, (319) 286-5993 
Charles City: Police, (641) 228-3366 
Clarinda: City hall, (712) 542-2136 
Clarke County: Sheriff, (641) 342-2377 
Clear Lake: City hall, (641) 357-5267 
Clinton: City hall, (563) 243-1455 
Clive: City hall, (515) 223-6220 
Colfax: City hall, (515) 674-4096 
Collins: City hall, (641) 385-2205 
Colo: City hall, (641) 377-2238 
Coralville: City hall, (319) 248-1800 
Cresco: Police, (563) 547-2424
Cumming: City hall, (515) 981-9214 
Dallas County: Sheriff, (515) 993-4771
Davenport: City hall, (563) 326-7711 
Decorah: City hall, (563) 382-3651 
Dickinson County: (712) 336-2793
Donnellson: City hall, (319) 835-5714 
Dubuque: City clerk, (563) 589-4100 
Eagle Grove: City hall, (515) 448-4343 
Eldridge: City hall, (563) 285-4841 
Elkhart: City hall, (515) 367-4735 
Everly: City hall, (712) 834-2691
Farmington: City hall, (319) 878-3711 
Fayette: City hall, (563) 425-4316 
Fort Dodge: City hall, (515) 576-4551 
Fort Madison: City hall, (319) 372-7700
Garden City
Glidden: City clerk, (712) 659-3010 
Grimes: City Code 
Grinnell: City hall, (641) 236-2600
Guthrie Center: City hall, (641) 332-2190 
Hamilton County 
Hartford: City hall, (515) 989-0267
Hiawatha: City hall, (319) 393-1515 
Humboldt: City hall, (515) 332-3435
Independence: City hall, (319) 334-2780 
Indianola: Kiya Koda Humane Society, (515) 961-7080 
Iowa City: City hall, (319) 356-5000 
Iowa Falls: City hall, (641) 648-2527
Jasper County: Sheriff, (641) 792-5912
Jefferson: City hall, (515) 386-3111
Johnston: Police, (515) 278-2345 
Kalona: City hall, (319) 656-2310 
Keokuk: City hall, (319) 526-5421 
Knoxville: City hall, (641) 828-0550
Lake City: City hall, (712) 464-3111
Lamoni: City hall, (641) 784-6311 Full code here
Madison County: Zoning administrator, (515) 462-2636
Madrid: Police, (515) 795-3113 
Manchester: City hall, (563) 927-3636 
Marengo: City hall, (319) 642-3232 
Marion: City hall, (319) 743-6300 
Marshalltown: City hall, (641) 754-5701 
Mason City: City hall, (641) 421-3600
Maxwell: City hall, (515) 387-8655 (contacted 7/23/18)
Milford: (712) 338-2741
Mitchellville: City hall, (515) 967-2935
Monroe: City hall, 641-259-2319
Montezuma: City hall, (641) 623-5617 
Mount Ayr 
Mount Vernon: City hall, (319) 895-8742 
Nevada: City hall, (515) 382-5466
Newton: City hall, (641) 792-2787 
North Liberty: City hall, (319) 626-5700 
Norwalk: City hall, (515) 981-0228 
Okoboji: City hall, (712) 332-2550 
Orange City: City hall, (712) 707-4885 
Oskaloosa: Steven Memorial Animal Shelter, (641) 673-3991 
Palo: City council, (319) 851-2731 
Panora: City hall, (641) 755-2164
Pella: City hall, (641) 628-4173 
Polk City: City hall, (515) 984-6233 
Polk County
Prairie City: City hall, (515) 994-2649 
Red Oak: City hall, (712) 623-6510 
Ringgold County
Runnells: City hall, (515) 966-2042 
Sioux Center: City hall, (712) 722-0761 
Slater: City hall, (515) 685-2531 
State Center: City hall, (641) 483-2559 
Storm Lake: City hall, (712) 732-8000 
Story City: City council, (515) 733-2121
Strawberry Point
Tama: City hall, (641) 484-3822 
Tripoli: City clerk, (319) 882-4801 
Underwood: City hall, (712) 566-2373 
Urbandale: City hall, (515) 331-6850 
Van Meter: City hall, (515) 996-2644 
Waterloo: City hall, (319) 232-6887 
Waukee: City hall, (515) 987-4522 
West Burlington: City hall, (319) 752-5451 
West Des Moines: City hall, (515) 222-3600 
West Liberty
Williamsburg: City hall, (319) 668-1133 
Windsor Heights: Police, (515) 277-4453
Winnebago County

You Can Live Here With Your Dogs With Some Restrictions

These cities discriminate against some dogs based on appearance/breed alone by requiring certain things they do not require of other dogs. The ARL staff can help you navigate through these restrictions, as many of them are really simple to abide by (they just sound more difficult than they are). Full descriptions of a city's restrictions can be found online in their city codes.

Adair: City hall, (641) 742-3751 (contacted 1/18/11)
Afton: City hall, (641) 347-5224 (contacted 1/18/11)
Albia: City hall, (641) 932-2129 (contacted 10/9/12)
Auburn: City hall, (712) 688-2264 (contacted 1/21/11)
Birmingham: City hall, (319) 498-4296 (contacted 11/20/12)
Cherokee: City hall, (712) 225-5749 (contacted 10/9/12)
Conrad: City hall, (641) 366-2300 (contacted 11/21/12)
Creston: City hall, (641) 782-2000
Dallas Center: City hall, (515) 992-3725 (contacted 1/19/11)
Des Moines: City hall, (515) 283-4500. Full code here
Ellsworth: City hall, (515) 836-4751 (contacted 11/29/12)
Evansdale: City hall, (319) 232-6683 (contacted 11/29/12)
Granger: City hall, (515) 999-2210 (contacted 1/21/11)
Grundy Center: City hall, (319) 825-6118
Greenfield: Full code here.
Osceola: City hall, (641) 342-2377 (contacted 8/10/10)
Pleasant Hill: Per city hall, dog must be licensed and on a leash or in a fenced yard. (contacted 11/19/15)
Spirit Lake
Wellman: City hall, (319) 646-2154

You Cannot Live Here With Your Dogs

These cities discriminate against some dogs based on appearance/breed alone by not allowing them to live here. If you do not live in these cities but plan to visit with your dog, make sure you get permission in advance of your travels. Full descriptions of a city's restrictions can be found online in their city codes.

Agency: City hall, (641) 937-5215 (contacted 1/18/11)
Ainsworth: City hall, (319) 657-3761 (contacted 1/18/11)
Albert City: City hall, (712) 843-5613 (contacted 1/20/11)
Alburnett: City hall, (319) 842-2692 (contacted 1/18/11). Full code here
Allison: City hall, (319) 267-2245  (contacted 11/15/12). Full code here
Atkins: City hall, (319) 446-7870 (contacted 5/4/10)
Audubon County
Avoca: City hall, (712) 343-2424 (contacted 1/20/11)
Bedford: City hall, (712) 523-2210 (contacted 1/20/11)
Belle Plaine: City hall, (319) 444-2200 (contacted 11/15/12). Full code here
Bellevue: City hall, (563) 872-4456 (contacted 11/15/12)
Benton County
Buffalo Center
Carter Lake
Cascade: City hall, (563) 852-3114 (contacted 11/15/12)
Centerville: City hall, (641) 437-4339 (contacted 1/19/11)
Columbus Junction: City hall, (319) 728-7971 (contacted 11/20/12)
Council Bluffs: Council Bluffs Animal Shelter, (712) 328-4656 (contacted 10/9/12). Full code here
Earlham: City hall, (515) 758-2281 (contacted 8/18/11)
Ely: City hall, (319) 848-4103
Estherville: City hall, (712) 362-7771. Full code here
Fairfield: City hall, (641) 472-6193 (contacted 11/29/12)
Forest City
Gilman: (contacted 7/2/11)
Grundy Center: City hall, (319) 825-6118 (contacted 11/29/12)
Huxley: City hall, (515) 597-2562 (contacted 6/18/10)
Lake Mills
Manly: City hall, (641) 454-3090 (contacted 1/8/13)
Maquoketa: City clerk, (563) 652-2135 (contacted 1/19/11)
Minburn: City clerk, (515) 677-2245 (contacted 8/6/12)
Monticello: City hall, (319) 465-6435 (contacted 11/29/12). Full code here
Mount Auburn
Mount Pleasant
Muscatine: City hall: (563) 264-1550 (contacted 10/12/12). Full code here
Odebolt: City Hall, (712) 668-2231 (contacted 1/21/11)
Ottumwa: City clerk, (641) 683-0621 (contacted 8/6/12). Full code here
Oxford Junction
Pomeroy: City hall, (712) 468-2411 (contacted 1/21/11)
Rockwell City: City hall, (712) 297-7041 (contacted 1/21/11)
Sac City: City hall, (712) 662-7593 (contacted 10/12/12). Full code here
Sioux City: City hall, (712) 224-7387 (contacted 10/12/12). Full code here
Springville: City hall, (319) 854-6428
Thompson: Sheriff, (641) 585-2828
Van Horne
West Union
Winterset: City hall, (515) 462-1422 (contacted 9/7/10). Full code here
Zearing: City hall, (641) 487-7477 (contacted 1/21/11)
Zwingle: City clerk, (563) 652-2135 (contacted 1/19/11)