Choosing Your Ferret
The ferret makes a very loving and playful pet. The ferret is often described by their owners as “kittens who never grow up.” You might be asking yourself if you should adopt one ferret or more. Ferrets don’t need another ferret to be happy, but if you are gone a lot, two or more will keep each other company. They’ll be more fun, but also require more responsibility. Some people recommend getting one at first, so you and the animal can get acquainted. There is some advantage to only training one at a time. If you decide later you want more, there’s no problem mixing (neutered) ferrets of either gender. Each ferret has a personality of his or her own.
The young ferret is called a Kit. There are contradictory opinions regarding the best age to obtain a ferret for a new owner. Adults tend to be a bit calmer and may already be litter trained. Kits are very cute, playful and would require a little more care and training.
The life span of a ferret is 6-8 years.