People use words to write a blog, leaving a detailed message for the receiver to consider at another time. Similarly, cats leave pheromone messages in the environment for other cats to “read”.
Pheromones are a type of chemical communication that all cats use to interact with each other and the world around them. The "messages" are released from special glands around their bodies. All cats, big and small, produce a wide range of pheromones. Different pheromones send different "messages" to other cats and influence behaviors. All cats will understand these pheromone signals, no matter how old they are! Cats have lots of different glands that release pheromones. There are many concentrated around their face; including the chin, lower ears, forehead, cheeks and around the mouth. There are also glands located in your pet’s paw pads and around nipples of female cats.
To share or deposit their pheromone messages, your cat will engage in a range of behaviors. For example, you may have seen your pet:
- Rub their head on objects around the house
- Scratch or claw at items
- Bump heads with other cats (or you!)
- Rub their bodies on objects and surfaces
- Spray (urine) mark territorial areas
Does your cat have a favorite place to scratch? Or are they particular best friends with a certain other cat or member of the family? It’s all due to messages sent by pheromones! There are many different varieties of cat pheromone, below are three specific ‘everyday’ pheromones that your cat uses.

Feline Facial Pheromone (F3)
The feline facial pheromone is a comforting pheromone. It provides a sense of reassurance for cats in their environment. These ‘happy messages’ help cats feel safe and secure.
FELIWAY CLASSIC Diffuser and Spray both mimic the natural feline facial pheromone, reducing stress and stress-related behaviors. The most common signs of stress in cats are excessive scratching, eliminating outside the litter box, hiding, and fighting. FELIWAY Classic's calming effects can help cats handle stressful situations such as moving, decorating, or visiting the vet!
Cat Appeasing Pheromone (C.A.P)
The cat appeasing pheromone is produced by mother cats to ensure harmony and help her kittens feel safe and secure. It helps multi-cat household cats get along with each other. It stimulates social contact and acceptance, and limits social conflict and escape responses.
FELIWAY MultiCat mimics the natural cat appeasing pheromone, easing inter-cat conflicts and tensions by sending ‘harmony messages’ to cats. These 'harmony messages' reduce issues such as fighting, hissing, chasing and other tensions.

Feline Interdigital Semiochemical (F.I.S)
FYI - semiochemical is another name for pheromone
When a cat marks an area by scratching, their toes and foot pads release the feline interdigital semiochemical (F.I.S). All cats need to scratch. Scratching helps them mark their territory. This leaves both visual scratch marks and pheromone markers. It also helps them to feel secure in their surroundings. And scratching feels good to your cat!
The F.I.S pheromone encourages your cat to scratch. This can make it difficult to move your cat’s scratching place, especially if they’ve chosen to use your couch. FELISCRATCH by FELIWAY mimics the natural FIS pheromone. When combined with the other ingredients in FELISCRATCH, a blue colorant and catnip, it will entice cats to scratch on the scratching post.