Pet Ed. Corner


Cat Safety 

  • Cat Behavior and Body Language Lesson 
    • Students will understand the safety rules for interacting with cats. They will learn how to follow these rules responsibly through the ANIMAL acronym.


Dog Safety

  • Dog Body Language Lesson 
    • Students will learn that dogs communicate using their bodies. They will explore how dogs show different emotions such as happiness, stress, fear, frustration, nervousness, and relaxation.


Pet Responsibility

  • ASPCA Pet Care Reference Sheets 
    • These care sheets are a great resource for students to learn about all of the responsibilities that come along with owning a pet. Care sheets include the following pets:
      • Dogs
      • Cats
      • Rats
      • Rabbits
      • Mice
      • Hamsters
      • Guinea Pigs
      • Birds (general)



  • This is a great age to introduce "The 3 L's" when coming into contact with wild animals. Students can remember to simply "Look at them", Learn from them", and "Leave them alone". 

Use the form below to suggest a topic that you would like to see on this resource page. We will do our best to create lessons/activities for reasonable requests. Please allow at least 2 weeks for lesson/activity creation. 

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