Sponsor An Event

Sponsor an Event

The Animal Rescue League of Iowa holds over 100 unique public-facing events during the course of the year, and offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities that can make an even bigger impact for the animals in our care.

Becoming a sponsor is open to anyone — businesses, social groups, and individuals — and your support of ARL's fundraising efforts allows us to continue the work we have been doing since our founding in 1926.

If you'd like to get started, please contact our team

KC Routos
(515) 473-9132

Kenzie Miller
(515) 817-1617

Download the Free Guide

Learn about specific opportunities, benefits, events, and sponsorships by the numbers.

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Our Reach

3,500+ Event Attendees in 2019

106,000+ Facebook followers

18,000+ Instagram followers

12,000 Twitter followers

9.8 Million website pageviews in 2021

47,000+ Engaged email subscribers

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • A connection to the largest animal shelter in Iowa and its support base
  • Brand exposure to a variety of demographics
  • Opportunities for employee engagement and team building
  • A way to give back to the community

Ways to Make an Impact

  • Sponsor an Event
  • Fund a Program
  • Offer a Matching Gift
  • Host a Cuddle Break
  • Donate Shelter Supplies
    and so much more!