Help us receive free cat litter!
In a single year, the ARL can spend over $40K on cat litter alone. We have an opportunity to receive free litter from Cat's Pride, but we need your help!
For every green jug of Cat’s Pride litter that is purchased, Cat’s Pride will add a pound of litter to their donation program. They will then send those donations to shelters that have been nominated by the public. The more nominations we receive, the more litter we’ll receive. For example: if we receive 30% of the nominations, we’ll receive 30% of the litter.
Here’s where we need YOUR help:
Go to and “Join the Club” (or log in if you're already a member). From there, you can nominate the ARL by searching by ZIP code (50313). Once you nominate the ARL, be sure to click "Submit" so your nomination is counted.
Once the donated litter is disbursed, all the nominations are wiped clean and the program starts over. That means we'll need you to keep nominating the ARL so we can keep receiving free litter for our cats! Keep scrolling to see how much litter we've received so far!

01/12/21 Update: Through your incredible support, we recently received 5 pallets (14,400 pounds) of litter that is able to be used for cats throughout the shelter and offered to pet families in need through our local Pet Food Pantry. Thank you for your nominations — they truly make a difference!
03/26/19 Update: A huge THANK YOU to everyone who nominated us to receive free litter from Cat's Pride® Cat Litter. Because of you, we recently received 16 pallets (30,000 pounds) of FREE litter for our cats! Now we are able to spend the money we would have spent on that on OTHER things the animals need!

09/14/18 Update: We were excited to receive a delivery of 31,200 pounds of litter this week! With nearly 1,200 cats and kittens in our care right now, litter is a never-ending need, so this is a HUGE help! Thank you for nominating the ARL!

02/16/18 Update: So far, we have received 14% of the nominations, so we will get 14% of the litter donated! That means we will be receiving 38 pallets of litter! Keep nominating us so we can continue to receive free litter for our cats!