ARL Training Classes

Dog Training & Classes

Our dog training classes and online resource library are designed to help adoptive pet parents, as well as the general public, better understand their canine companions.

Start with the Right Class

Classes are held at the Blumenthal Training Center at ARL Main

Puppy (puppies 8 weeks to 5 months old)

Puppy Kindergarten

Adolescent Puppy Kindergarten

Drop-in Training

Adult (dogs 5+ months old)

Good Manners

Drop-in Training

Specialty & Advanced* (dogs 5+ months old)

Rowdy Rovers

Private Training (dogs 8+ weeks old)

Private training is temporarily unavailable at this time. Please see the list of referral trainers on our Behavior Helpline page.

*We currently have limited sessions for our Specialty and Advanced classes. If these classes are full and you're interested in similar classes, please see our list of referral trainers here.

At-Home Learning

Basic training and behavior understanding can be done at home with the help of our resource library for Dogs

Training Classes

  • Puppy Kindergarten

    Puppy Kindergarten

    This class helps puppies start off on the right paw using positive reinforcement techniques. This class is for puppies between 8 weeks and 18 weeks of age at the start of class.

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  • Adolescent Puppy Kindergarten

    Adolescent Puppy Kindergarten

    This class encourages socialization and gives you support and knowledge to teach your puppy desired behaviors to live peacefully in your home. Dogs should be 15 weeks to 5 months old at the start of class.

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  • Good Manners

    Good Manners

    Guardians will learn how to teach their dogs in a humane manner using positive reinforcement methods which in turn will enrich their relationship with their dog. Dogs should be 5 months and older at the start of class.

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  • Rowdy Rovers

    Rowdy Rovers

    In the Rowdy Rovers class, we'll encourage dogs to make polite choices when life can be way too exciting - which can sometimes make them forget their manners.

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  • Drop In Training Classes

    Drop In Training Classes

    Drop In Training Class is perfect for those with busy schedules who aren't able to commit to a 4-week class, but want to learn the basic manners. Dogs should be 8 weeks or older at the start of class.

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  • Training Class FAQ

    Training Class FAQ

    Visit the FAQ page to learn about our return policy, cancellations, required vaccinations, and more.

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