
Pet Details

  • Animal ID: 251009
  • Type: Horse
  • Breed: Quarter Horse
  • Sex: Female
  • Age:
  • Color: Chestnut
  • Weight: 820 lbs
  • Spayed/Neutered: No
  • Site: ARL Main - Barn

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Additional Details

Irene is an adorable 20 year old redheaded mare that is being adopted out as a pasture pal at this time. Irene loves attention and engaging with people. Irene stands well at the hitching post, is good with feet and farrier, fly sprays, bathes, and loves a good grooming session. Now that Irene is at full health, we will start her in our training program to learn what skills Irene has. Irene is very easy to catch, leads well, enjoys her stall time, and overall is a fine upstanding lady.

HOW TO ADOPT: Interested in adopting this horse or other equines at the ARL? To get started, please fill out our Equine Adoption Interest Form here, and our Second Chance Ranch staff will get back to you. For questions, email

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