
Pet Details

  • Animal ID: 250451
  • Type: Rabbit
  • Breed: New Zealand
  • Sex: Female
  • Age:
  • Color: White
  • Weight: 5.6 lbs
  • Spayed/Neutered: Yes
  • Site: In Foster

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Additional Details

HOW TO ADOPT: This pet is available for adoption by appointment. To schedule a time to meet this pet, please email fosterinquiry@arl-iowa.org.


- A true cuddle bunny; in the morning she and her foster family sit on the couch together with her paw in her person's hand; as she is petted gently, her paw relaxes, which is truly adorable

- Goes with the flow and feeds off the kindness of others who are with her

- Might not come right up to you, but once she's comfortable she's fine with you coming toward her to pet her and is fine with being picked up

- Likes sweet peas, fresh cilantro and mixed greens for snacks, as well as her normal pellets and timothy hay

- Foster home said she is litterbox trained

- Has been around a large dog and a rambunctious kitten in her foster home; at first was a little cautious, but now she will nap near the dog and she allows the kitten in her area without objection - even playing a little bit of hide and seek with the kitten and a box

- Did well with nail trims at the shelter

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