Additional Details
Morada is a quarter horse mare whose age is approximately early 20s. Morada is wary of people and is still learning that they are safe to be around. She will come up to you for snacks, and can be haltered and lead if you go slow. She is currently in our training program to help her gain trust in people and work on the basics of being a horse. She currently is not a fan of being brushed or touched. She is high in the herd pecking order and is herd bound to them. She will get anxious when separated from them. She will need a home with someone who is an experienced, confident handler who can train her and teach her new things.
HOW TO ADOPT: Interested in adopting this horse or other equines at the ARL? To get started, please fill out our Equine Adoption Interest Form here, and our Second Chance Ranch staff will get back to you. For questions, email
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