Bernard Lettington
Secretary of the Board & Senior Systems Engineer, Collins Aerospace
Bernie is a Senior Systems Engineer with Collins Aerospace. Bernie’s primary responsibilities are related to the development of requirements, design, and planning and execution of the verification of integrated avionics systems for a variety of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, in particular ongoing avionics upgrades to the KC-135 tanker aircraft, helping maintain this 60 year old airframe through a projected 100 year service life. Prior to joining Collins in 2000, Bernie was a systems engineer and engineering manager with the Boeing Space Systems Company in Huntington Beach, CA where he contributed to the development of the International Space Station and Delta III launch vehicle. Bernie’s expertise includes requirements development, design, and verification of complex aerospace systems, project management, information management, and aviation regulatory compliance.
He became involved in animal welfare work following the epic floods of Cedar Rapids in 2007, assisting at the temporary animal shelter established in the aftermath of the disaster, and ultimately serving as the President of the Board of Directors of the Cedar Valley Humane Society before joining the board of the ARL. With the ARL he is active in legislative issues, statistical analysis, and related policy development.
- Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University 1988
- Master of Library Science, San Jose State University 1994
Professional Associations/Volunteer Activities
- Board Secretary, Animal Rescue League of Iowa, Inc.
- Treasurer, Iowa Federation of Humane Societies
- Past Board President, Cedar Valley Humane Society, Cedar Rapids, IA
- Member, International Council on Systems Engineering