
View ARL's 2023 Impact Report

Year to Date Numbers (January-December 2024)

Intakes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3


4372 120 66


Owner Surrender 1965 2566 355 89 4975
Transfers In 96 184 27 5 312
Other 43 96 46 6 191
Total 5222 7218 548 166 13154

Outcomes1 Dog Cat Small Barn Total3
Adoptions 2993 5026 417 170 8606
Transfers Out 133 69 42 1 245
Return to Owner 1594 264 16 7 1881
Return to Habitat 0 700 0 0 700
Euthanized2 509 1004 34 27 1574
Died in Care 12 79 14 0 105
Total Outcomes 5241 7142 523 205 13111
Live Outcomes 4720 6059 475 178 11432
Live Release Rate 90% 85% 91% 87% 87%
  1. Does not include wildlife; we partner with several wildlife rehabilitation organizations to care for wild animals brought to us.
  2. Does not include owner-requested euthanasia.
  3. The number of intakes will not necessarily equal the number of outcomes over the course of a reporting period. The difference represents a net increase or decrease in the number of animals in our care at the beginning of the period and at the end.

The ARL looks at every animal as an individual and not a number and determines a treatment or rehabilitation plan. We only euthanize animals that are dangerous or suffering, and only after we have exhausted all other humane and responsible options. We do not euthanize for space and there are no time limits on the animals in our care.